In January 2011, Prof. Bennett Gershman of Pace Law School, New York, has participated on a panel as part of victims’ rights seminar held by the Ministry of Justice for prosecutors and judicial officials in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Prof. Gershman was invited to appear as an expert next to Ms. Jennifer Long, the director of Aequitas Resource and an expert on victims of sexual assault and Mr. Marcel Vanpeet from the Netherlands Forensic Institute, an expert on collection and preservation of forensic evidence.
The panel discussed a variety of very important issues surrounding the victims’ rights and their participation during criminal and/or civil trials, and emphasized the importance of bringing the rights of victims to the forefront of criminal justice systems. To hear more, access the below MP3 file and join Prof. Gershman as he reflects on his experience.
Playing time: 32:18
Related Readings
- Panel Urges Emphasis on Victims’ Rights article by Awad Mustafa that appeared in The National
- AEquitas: The Prosecutors’ Resource on Violence Against Women
- Netherlands Forensic Institute
Featured Music
“D” by Aaron Derington, available from PodsafeAudio.